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  3. Shortcode Addons
  4. Configuring Elements

Shortcode Addons lets you showcase elements on the dashboard as you want. You can activate/deactivate elements as per your need. In order to configure Shortcode Addons follow the steps below,

1. Go to the WordPress Dashboard.

2. Navigate to Shortcode Addons >Available Shortcodes


It will take you to the Shortcode Elements page where you can see manage the elements and start working with them. Here you can see the installed elements by category.


3. Click on the Import Elements button to see the available elements list.

4. Activate the elements you need by clicking the install button associated with each element.

Once you activate the element you need, it’ll appear on the Shortcode Elements page. You can deactivate/delete any of the elements from the list that you will not be needing for a particular project.


Note that, it’ll cause no harm to your data. So, you can easily work with our hassle-free Shortcode Addons!

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